Health Care First year students developing smartphone diagnostics for Alzheimers UC Merced NIH grant to develop wireless "smart" pacemakers UC LOS ANGELES Artificial pancreas UC Irvine Vaccines for childhood diseases UC SANTA CRUZ Improving healthcare with 'smart' tech UC Davis Hydrogel to repair heart is safe to inject in humans - a first UC San Diego Shape of lung tissue fibers influences respiratory elasticity UC Riverside Engineering faster healing and better drug delivery UC Santa Barbara With AI, machines become experts at reading brain scans UC BERKELEY Advancing eye screening with machine learning UC BERKELEY Studying the brain as a network UC RIVERSIDE Student inventors receive $2M for wearable BAC monitors UC SANTA BARBARA New bioengineering master's degree bridges engineering and medicine UC SAN DIEGO Publication on TMJ advancements UC IRVINE The hygiene hypothesis UC SANTA CRUZ New frontiers in gene editing UC BERKELEY Student app translates medical jargon for non-English speakers UC MERCED Illuminating the dark matter UC SANTA BARBARA Window to the brain UC RIVERSIDE Making lead pipes safe UC BERKELEY New computational tool to pinpoint origins of bacteria on humans UC LOS ANGELES Engineering proteins for better drug delivery UC MERCED Making high energy light to fight cancer UC RIVERSIDE Diversifying the human genome for cancer research UC SANTA CRUZ Brain-computer interface to treat neurological conditions UC LOS ANGELES Engineering human-like nerve tissue UC RIVERSIDE