

Riverside, Ca –


Elmer Thomas, B.S. 03’, M.S. 05’

Senior Developer Experience Engineer, Twilio/SendGrid


Elmer completed a B.S. in Computer Engineering and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering at the University of California focusing on control systems and GPS navigation systems under Dr. Jay Farrell. 


Elmer currently serves as the senior developer experience engineer at Twilio/SendGrid, a cloud-based email service helping companies increase their email deliverability. He leads, develops and manages SendGrid’s open source community, which includes more than 24 active projects across seven programming languages. These open source projects process billions of emails per month for SendGrid’s customers. Elmer also serves as Vice President of the Council for the Advancement of Black Engineers (CABE), drawing from experience as chapter president of the National Society of Black Engineers while a student, supporting CABE’s mission to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers with PhD’s, post-doctoral training and professional engineering registrations.


When asked for a piece of advice for students looking to go into engineering Elmer said, “Seek out people who have already completed the journey you are considering. Learn about what a typical day looks like. Ask for advice regarding pitfalls and ask questions like: If you were to do it all over, what would you change? Talk with the professors who teach the core courses and audit a few classes that might be interesting to you.”